9 minute read

Monte Carlo simulations are a helpful tool for analyzing the risks in financial transactions and products. The basic idea behind it is to simulate a wide variety possible outcomes of a complex structure by randomly picking different outcomes over and over again.

Monte Carlo simulations are used extensively for risk assessments, since while in reality, only one outcome is observed, decision makers need to be aware of other possible adverse scenarios. A Monte Carlo simulation can offer insights into the range of outcomes and their likelihoods we can expect.

In this article we will be taking a look at how we can use this approach in order to assess the risk in a exemplary financial transaction. While Monte Carlo simulations are typically used to model the probability of different outcomes in a process that cannot easily be predicted, the following example is kept rather simple for explanatory purposes. Pointers on how to make the model more realistic can be found at the end of the article.

Example: Loan losses default analysis

Let’s say we are an investor that just bought or lent 100 unsecured loans each to different debtors. We now want to know what kind of losses we can expect out of this pool of loans due to defaulting borrowers over the next 3 years.

A test data set with fake data was created for the calculations below. The Monte Carlo approach can yield useful insights and will be run by scenarios based on the assumptions below.

All the code used in here can be viewed in my GitHub repository.


Each debtor has different observed characteristics like income, employment status, region, credit history, etc. Based on this information we can assess and categorize each debtor into specific ratings, which represent their probability of default over the next 3 years. This step is step is not shown here but will be covered in another post (stay tuned!). In short, each borrower is given a rating from Aaa to D, representing the highest creditworthiness to the lowest (see also Credit Rating on Wikipedia).

We also assume that each debtor pays down 10% of the initial loan balance each year. We call this the amortization rate. So after 3 years a loan will have only 70% of the original loan balance remaining.

Lastly, for simplicity, we assume that if a debtor defaults, the whole outstanding loan amount is considered a loss. There is no recovery possible. If the loan amount in year 3 was 70,000 and the borrower defaults, the whole 70,000 is added to the total losses in that scenario.

Here is a snapshot of the first three loans out of the data created for this example (see the GitHub repository for full .csv-file). For each customer we have the loan amounts across the years, the rating and the probabilities of default for each year.

Customer ID Loan Amount (Year 1) Loan Amount (Year 2) Loan Amount (Year 3) Rating
1 100,000 90,000 80,000 Aaa
2 190,000 171,000 152,000 Bb
3 53,000 47,700 42,400 Cc
Customer ID Probability of Default (Year 1) Probability of Default (Year 2) Probability of Default (Year 3)
1 0.00000 0.00000 0.00001
2 0.02800 0.05500 0.07800
3 0.17000 0.23000 0.30000

Note: The probabilities of default in the table are shown in decimals, so a 0.028 value for loan 2 in year 1 will be read as a 2.8% default probability. This means that we expect the borrower to default in year 1 in 2.8 out of a 100 scenarios on average.

With the test data and assumptions set up we can now simulate scenarios in which certain loans default (at random) and then aggregate the loss numbers.

Monte Carlo simulation and estimating the loss curve

First, lets import all necessary libraries into the Python project.

import random
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

Next we need a function that generates outcomes for our defaults. For this we will utilize the random.random() function which draws a float number between 0 and 1.

def drawNumber():
    draw = random.random()
    return draw

For the Monte Carlo simulation we define that if the random generator draws a number higher than the default probability of a loan it continues to perform. However, if the number drawn is lower, the loan is assumed to have defaulted. Since the random number drawn is between 0 and 1 (0% and 100% equivalent) it captures the default frequency well.

To get started on the calculation we load the test data (stored in a .csv-file) into a Pandas DataFrame:

df = pd.read_csv("testdata_credit_pool.csv", thousands=',')

Now we set up a loop to go through every loan and draw a random number for it in year 1, 2 and 3. If the draw is lower or equal to the default probability in that year, we assume the loan goes into default. A default will be marked by assigning the value 1 to a separate default column for the specific year. If a loan defaults at any time it stays in default for later years.

The loop for year 1 might look like this:

defaults_1y = []
i = 0

while i < df.shape[0]:
    result = drawNumber()
    if df['Default_Prob_1Y'][i] < result:
    i = i+1

df['Defaults_1Y'] = defaults_1y

Note: df.shape[0] gives the number of rows in the DataFrame (which in the example is 100). Also, remember that in Python we always start counting at 0.

For year 2 and 3 we also need to add a check whether or not the loan previously defaulted. If it was already in default no new random number is drawn and the loan stays defaulted. The loops will look like this:

defaults_2y = []

i = 0
while i < df.shape[0]:
    if df['Defaults_1Y'][i] == 0:
        result = drawNumber()
        if df['Default_Prob_2Y'][i] < result:
  i = i+1

df['Defaults_2Y'] = defaults_2y

Each randomly generated defaults column will be an assortment of 1s and 0s to represent defaults and non-defaults respectively ([0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 ...]). We can use the three new columns to calculate the losses on each loan and aggregate them to total losses in each scenario. In order to do so we check if a loan defaulted in year 1, 2 or 3 and then add the outstanding loan amount of that year to the loss.

loss = 0
i = 0

while i < df.shape[0]:
    if df['Defaults_1Y'][i] == 1:
        loss = loss + df['Loan_Amount_1Y'][i]
    elif df['Defaults_2Y'][i] == 1:
        loss = loss + df['Loan_Amount_2Y'][i]
    elif df['Defaults_3Y'][i] == 1:
        loss = loss + df['Loan_Amount_3Y'][i]
    i = i+1

The loss variable contains the total loss from the one simulated scenario. Now we only need to repeat this process many times to get a satisfying amount of possible outcomes.

In order to run any amount of Monte Carlo simulations we put the whole process described above inside a while-loop which runs for a defined number of times (sim_num). Each outcome (loss) is then stored in the sim_losses array and will be used to visualize the simulated loss distribution.

sim_num = 1000
s = 0

sim_losses = []

while s < sim_num:




    s = s+1

The higher we set the number of simulations (sim_num) the clearer becomes the picture of possible scenarios. In the section below we run three simulations of varying size and see how the loss curve looks.

Results of simulations (loss curves)

After 100 simulations it is hard to get a good sense of how the loss scenarios are distributed. There are many big gaps in terms of frequency between possible outcomes.

results after 100 simulations

Increasing the amount of runs to 1,000 simulations reveals the shape of the loss distribution. It has the typical bell-shape which we expect from normally distributed variables.

results after 1000 simulations

At 10,000 simulations we can see the loss distribution shape quite clearly and smoothly.

results after 10000 simulations

We created a valuable approximation of the loss distribution underlying our pool of 100 loans with simple Pyhon code. This result can be further utilized to assess the risks of the transaction. For example, one might look at the losses which occur up to a certain confidence level (i.e. the Value at Risk approach).

How to improve the model

The example above used a lot of simplifications to make the calculations and code easy to understand. Here are a few details that could be added in further iterations.

  • Recoveries and secured loans. When a debtor defaults on his obligations to pay back the loan, a lender can typically recoup some of the value by claiming other non-cash assets from the debtor through the legal system. Many loans are also structured as a secured transaction, meaning the loan amount is covered by another asset owned by the debtor. This can be a property (for mortgages) or a car (for auto loans). These assets can be claimed by the lender at default and sold in order to get back part of the outstanding loan amount.

  • Calculating the present value of each loss. A loss of a fixed sum of money in year 3 is not equivalent to the same loss amount in year 1. The time component adds a missing element, since money could have been invested in the meantime and inflation affects the future value of money. In order to address this issue payments or losses are typically discounted by a time specific factor.

  • Correlations. In the example above the individual debtors were assumed to behave fully independent from each other. This is a big assumption depending on the characteristics of these loans. Let’s say the 100 loans were given exclusively to inhabitants of one small town. An economic shock to this region might increase the likelihood of all borrowers to default. This highlights that in certain circumstances the default of one borrower is linked to the default of others.

  • Rating migrations. We assumed that the ratings, which determined the probabilities of default, stayed constant over time. This is not necessarily the case as a borrowers economic situation might worsen or improve, thus lowering or improving his rating. Adding a way to account for possible rating migrations would make the analysis less static.

A note on risk versus uncertainty

If all potential outcomes and their likelihoods are known then a decision-making process under these circumstances is risky, while a situation in which either some of the outcomes and/or probabilities are unknown is considered to be uncertain.

In economics or finance people will sometimes talk about the “known unknowns” and “unknown unknowns”. “Known unknowns” refer to outcomes you are aware of (risk), while “unknown unknowns” are scenarios that are unexpected and cannot be anticipated beforehand (uncertainty).

Further resources